Looking at your booty in the mirror will not make it grow. Working out does.
Since life is as serious as it is from itself, in those classes we can definitely guarantee a smile on your face while you’re burning your ass off. Two flies in one clap, as the Dutch would say. This is the place where you can totally be yourself, feel as feminine and fearless as you ever wanted to be.
In a world where we constantly compare ourselves with others, this is the place where you can let that inner beast out and amaze yourself with a strength you didn’t even know you had it in you. With other women surrounding you, you’ll feel empowered by each other. You can be your lovely self, do your little dance in between the exercises and enjoy every song we pick out carefully.
The classes are full of energy, joy and not to forget: lotssss of booty burns.
Work hard, enjoy just a little bit harder. We got you.

Of course you can have your junkfood babe, just make sure you workout before.
What our customers say about Butt Factory

Life isn’t all about booty workouts. But it damn right should be.
These classes are so much fun, feminine and original. During summer we work out on the beach and during winter in a club or pub. Pumping afropop beats with a night environment makes this one a very fun class. And it's a really good training for what is promises you: butt abs, legs. With movements that you can mirror from instructor Ortál. She's fun!

No more buts. Just butts.
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